What is it?
Oculoplastics include a wide variety of medical, surgical and parasurgical treatments of the eyelids that can have aesthetic and therapeutic purposes. It is always necessary a correct evaluation of the single clinical case in order to get the best result. New technologies, such as radiofrequency and pulsed light, deserve specific attention, since they allows to treat cutaneous problems without considering the use of scalpel.

Latest minimally invasive anti-aging techniques
The periocular region called eye contour, thanks to its particular innate features, results submitted to different solicitations, such as UV radiations, atmospheric agents and continuous muscular contractions, voluntary or involuntary.
Eyelids are composed of three layers: cutaneous, muscular and fibrous. Skin has a very thin epithelium, whose depth is about 0.4 mm, compared to the 2-3 mm of the plantar region; dermis is thin and lax as well, with no hypodermis and a major distensibility. For these reasons, this part of the body turns out to be more sensitive and requires a specific attention.
Nowadays, Aesthetic Medicine allows to hydrate and rejuvenate, preserving a more natural aspect with innovative products that permit visible results, immediately and long-lasting.
The use of radiofrequency assures a major compactness and a long-lasting tensor effect of the skin. Taking advantage of the energy emission produced by the heat to the dermis level, radiofrequency generates visible effects already at the end of the first session.
This device generates electromagnetic waves that produce a pleasant heat, reaching and stimulating fibroblasts in the production of collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin, and hydrating skin, which appears immediately more tonic, elastic and naturally more compact and smooth.